Information for people living with HIV

Clinics and healthcare professionals

Many clinics throughout the UK have traditionally supplied our award-winning booklets and series of leaflets, The basics.

However, following changes in commissioning and funding in the NHS we are no longer able to supply these materials for free.

To ensure these materials remain available to patients, we have introduced our Patient Information Scheme. 

Is my clinic already a member?

You can find out if your clinic is a member here.

If your clinic is a member you can log-in using your clinic's unique username and password.

If you have forgotten your username and password then please contact

We aren't members - what would we get for our membership?

For an annual subscription fee clinics get:

  • Printed versions of our booklets, drugs chart and The basics leaflets. These are available to order on the clinic portal.

  • Access to digital versions of our booklets, factsheets, drugs chart and series of leaflets, The basics, including alternative language versions. These can be shared with patients during appointments or sent to them via text message or email.

  • Access for you and your patients to our patient decision tools and apps – helping your patients prepare for clinical conversations.

Costs and how to join

Membership is worked out on a tiered system based on the number of patients a clinic or organisation works with (for clinics this is taken from their SOPHID patient cohort). This means that organisations pay more or less according to their size and the amount of resources they are likely to use. 

For more information on membership, and for a quote, please contact our team at or call 020 3727 0123.

When emailing please try to include the following information:

  • Your clinic and Trust name (or organisation name for third sector organisations)
  • How many patients you support (for clinics this is your SOPHID patient cohort).

We still have old stock, do we have to join?

We are aware that many clinics who are not in the scheme are still using our booklets and leaflets in The basics series.

Since we started the membership scheme we have released a number of new titles and new editions of our booklets – and we will continue to update our titles this year. This means that many of the NAM resources you have will now be out of date.

Out-of-date information can be unhelpful and lead to negative outcomes, which is why we are always mindful to keep our information accurate and up to date.

With this in mind, we ask that all materials under NAM’s copyright that are out of date are disposed of.

If you would like to continue supplying our materials then you will need to join our membership scheme.

To get a list of all the latest titles and editions, please contact